Whitewater, Wisconsin’s Police and Fire Commission Cancelled for Tonight

Oh cruel Nature, harsh force that she is! How is it that she acts to deprive our small city of a gathering by its most extraordinary public commission?

I can think of no better example of misused and unused oversight in all Wisconsin. The many serious and dedicated officers of our town have been ill-served under the Whitewater PFC.

Any yet, has Nature extended her hand to take from us, through the postponement of this meeting, anything we could consider a loss and deprivation?

The law requires these meetings, but their practical absence takes away nothing from this community, on the principle that “nothin’ from nothin’ leaves nothin’.” I’ve not read Billy Preston’s comprehensive treatise on the matter, but I’m sure it’s persuasive.

There will be other meetings, and some day, even serious and deliberative ones. Soon, I’d hope, but I will wait in any event.

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