Why Are Alaskans So Much Smarter Than We Are? 

Whitewater is a city of 14,296 in southern Wisconsin.  Wasilla is a town of approximately 9,000 in Alaska.  I am a blogger from Whitewater, Wisconsin, and I am concerned about the relative comparison between Whitewater and Wasilla.
Whitewater is approximately 58% larger than Wasilla.  That means that Whitewater’s residents should be 58% smarter, more successful, more efficient, and more attractive

We should be better.
I don’t think that it’s worked out that way.
In Wasilla, the former mayor, a woman, has become a standing governor and candidate for vice president of the United States of America.  In Whitewater, the current city officials are … the current city officials. 
Wasilla produced someone to lead a state, and contend on a national stage
Forget political views – how is it that smaller Wasilla produced a woman who campaigns across a continent, when larger Whitewater is run by a bunch of men who definitely won’t be campaigning across a continent, state, or even county anytime soon?     
I called the National Academy of Sciences this morning and asked for a relative assessment of the capability of Governor Palin, former mayor of Wasilla, with the current public officials in Whitewater. 
They hung up on me sixteen times before someone would take my call. 
When someone finally agreed to talk to me, he explained that comparisons this lopsided require calculations with a supercomputer array – the fractional number representing Whitewater’s male leadership would be too small for consideration without advanced hardware.  I learned that dedication of that sort of processing power requires presidential authorization. 
Oh well, I tried. 
What happened, Whitewater?  Come on, town fathers – if you’re all so smart and civic-minded, so highly extra special excellent, why can’t you achieve something similar?   
You should be better, stronger, faster…anything
Perhaps we need a local version – of whatever politics – of that former mayor, current governor, and current vice presidential candidate from Wasilla. 

What good does our Whitewater boys’ club do us if the whole gaggle can’t compare favorably with one Wasilla girl? 

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