Wisconsin Assembly Bill 173

Yesterday, Rep. Don Pridemore’s Arizona-syle immigration legislation received a numerical designation: Assembly Bill 173. The full text of the bill is online at the Legislature’s website.

The bill has the following initial sponsors: “Representatives Pridemore, Wynn, LeMahieu, Kleefisch, Steineke and Jacque; Cosponsored by Senator Lasee.”

One could have expected Wynn to support this measure. His earlier support for the elimination of association rights for workers, and a photo ID requirement that disenfranchises thousands of citizens (students, minorities, the elderly)– along with sponsorship of AB 173 — makes Wynn among the most extreme politicians in the state.

Each of these measures is contrary to America’s broad and generous tradition of liberty and fairness. Collectively they are a greater wrong.

A majority will reject this approach. Conservatives, moderates, liberals, and libertarians will come to see in this harsh, bitter agenda a dead-end for Whitewater, for the 43rd District, and for all Wisconsin.

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