Wisconsin Assembly Speaker Sheridan’s Sham Apology: It’s Your Fault!

There’s an Associated Press story about Wisconsin Assembly Speaker Sherdian, available online. See, Wis. lawmaker says Relationship With Lobbyist Over. I’ve written about Sheridan before, but I’d like to consider only his apology today, for his conduct over the last several months. It’s a heel’s apology, and example of how a shifty person apologies for misconduct.

Here’s what Sheridan said:

Striking a contrite tone, Sheridan apologized for inconsistent earlier statements about the nature of his relationship with the lobbyist, Shanna Wycoff. He said he was uncomfortable talking about his personal life.

“I’m sorry if you thought I was trying to mislead you,” Sheridan, a Janesville Democrat, told reporters late Tuesday. “That wasn’t my intent, but I understand that was the perception.”

There one has it — Sheridan’s sorry for what you thought; he’s understanding about others’ misperceptions! By this way of thinking, it’s really not a problem he caused — it’s a problem of the thoughts and misperceptions of others. He’s sorry that you just weren’t perceptive enough to understand him.

As you could expect, it’s all about ‘intent.’ He didn’t intend something, so he should be blameless.

I’m neither a Democrat nor a Republican, but I would like to ask a question. Democrats, for goodness’ sake, can you not find someone better than Sheridan? You’ve a proud Progressive tradition, and you can do no better than this guy? Of course you can, if only your party would honor its legacy by finding someone other than a shifty embarrassment.

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