Writing Your Memoir: Wednesdays through August 26th

I received the following press release that I am happy to post –

Writing Your Memoir

Day and Time: Wednesday 12:15 p.m. to 1:30 p.m. 

Where: at the Whitewater Senior Center, Starin Park. 

Fee $25 for 8 weeks or $4 per drop in class. 

8-week class: July 8 through August 26 

Contact: Lynn Greene, 262-495-8771, 262-728-3424, ext 110 (work) 

You’ve lived it, now write about it! Everybody has a story to tell and this class will get you started or keep you writing. Practice with framing a story, catching a reader’s attention, building tension, and being truthful in a non-threatening way.

We’ll discuss and demonstrate ways to enrich your writing, including the use of similes, metaphors, and dialogue. Learn how to put your ideas, experiences and memories into print. Bring a notebook and a pen and one of your stories (if you have one) to get started.

Your facilitator is Lynn Greene, an award-winning journalist, who was recently recognized with a national award for best feature writing. This class will culminate with a celebration and reading of our work (date and location to be announced).

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