Friday Catblogging: An Unfortunate (But Necessary) Meal


It’s all a matter of numbers:

A certain number of Englishwomen own cats, some of them are elderly, some will pass away in their homes, some having passed away will go undetected for a bit, some of those expired women will have owned cats, some of those cats will be trapped in their dead owners’ flats, some of those trapped cats will have no other source of sustenance except….

The body of an animal lover was gnawed and eaten by her own cats after she died at home alone, a court heard.

The decomposing corpse of Janet Veal, 56, was discovered on the kitchen floor of her isolated house in Ringwood, Hampshire, on April 4.

Neighbours had raised the alarm having not seen her for some time and noticing that her letterbox was overflowing, Southampton Coroner’s Court was told….

See, Body of woman, 56, who collapsed and died in her home is gnawed and eaten by her own CATS on her kitchen floor

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Cat Lover
11 years ago

Cats need protein 🙂