57 search results for "raw milk"

Raw Milk’s Not an Ordinary School Food

I have long favored raw milk as a choice for adults, and adults who choose it for their children.  It’s not, though, a food that’s ready for school children whose parents have not constented to its inclusion on a menu: Laboratory test results show that the Campylobactor jejuni bacteria that caused diarrheal illness among 16…

Author David Gumpert on Raw Milk Consumption

I’ve posted occasionally about raw milk, and the inability of adult consumers to drink natural, unpasteurized milk even in a dairy state like Wisconsin. There’s a story at the Walworth County Gazette‘s online edition about an interview with David Gumpert, who’s written about raw milk. See, Author: More research needed on health risks of raw…

Raw Milk: The Wonder Tonic?

I don’t know if raw milk’s a wonder tonic, but people in a dairy state should be able to buy it and enjoy natural, unpasteurized milk. A study at the University of Wisconsin-Madison examined the reasons people want to drink raw milk, and the backgrounds of those who want to drink it: New research at…

Advocates Say Raw Milk Is Worth The Risk : NPR

We’re a dairy state that calls itself America’s Dairyland while banning sales of natural, unpasteurized milk to adults. This ban, and ones like it across America, are harder to justify each day. See, Advocates Say Raw Milk Is Worth The Risk: NPR. Even an critic of raw milk consumption, like FDA bureaucrat David Acheson would…

Raw Milk Update

100% Natural Here’s a raw milk update. I’ve been opposed to restrictions on the consumption of natural, raw milk. Adults should be able to decide what kind of milk they’d like to drink, without government’s interference. We’re a dairy state, and we should be able to drink and eat the kind of dairy products we’d…

The Economist Covers the Raw Milk Controversy

I’ve written before about the irony of a dairy state banning nearly all sales of raw milk. The governor’s recent veto of a popular bill to allow a limited increase in raw milk sales was the latest example of Wisconsin as a dairyland nanny state. It was worse really, as the public health claims against…

Motion Hearing for Walworth County Raw Milk Case

Yesterday, I posted about Wisconsin’s regulatory badgering of dairy farmers trying to sell raw milk within existing legal requirements. Even that’s now hard to do, following Governor Doyle’s veto of a bill that would have allowed expanded, yet still modest, raw milk sales. See, Ongoing Harassment of Dairy Farmers in America’s Dairyland. One of the…

Reason’s May 2010 Nanny of the Month (Raw Milk Edition )

I’ve contended that Wisconsin residents should be able to buy and drink raw milk produced in America’s Dairyland. Sadly, even that’s not legal for consumers. Wisconsin Governor Doyle, under pressure from dairy industry lobbyists and their regulation-loving allies, vetoed legislation that would have made limited raw milk sales possible. See, Wisconsin Governor Doyle as a… Wis. committee approves raw milk bill

There’s an AP story today about the progress of a bill allowing raw milk sales in Wisconsin; Raw milk sales should never have been banned in America’s Dairyland, or anywhere else. Adults should be able to decide for themselves if they wish to drink raw milk.  The bill still has significant restrictions, but at least…