An Answer to Trump: Welcome All

So Trump claims – absurdly – that America is full, and that contrary to the law he might send asylum seekers and migrants to sanctuary cities. Oakland’s mayor, Libby Schaaf, gave Trump the reply he deserved (and a reply that a just and well-ordered society should expect):


….So interesting to see the Mayor of Oakland and other Sanctuary Cities NOT WANT our currently “detained immigrants” after release due to the ridiculous court ordered 20 day rule. If they don’t want to serve our Nation by taking care of them, why should other cities & towns?



It’s time to stop fanning hate and division @realDonaldTrump – I’ve been consistent and clear: #Oakland welcomes all, no matter where you came from or how you got here.



Good for her.

Far from Oakland, in rural cities of the Midwest, one finds stagnation and brain drain. Rabid nativists in these rural places would rather see further decline than welcome productive migrants. These nativists spread easily debunked lies about the migrant population and risible claims about local superiority, while their own younger generation flees the area as what’s left slowly crumbles.

America’s future – her best days waiting yet ahead – rests with young immigrants.

Jennifer Rubin was right, broadly, about the economic conflict of our time: Trump vs. an America that works.

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