Another WEDC Audit Failure

Appearing below, you’ll see a full, 116-page audit of the Wisconsin Economic Development Corporation.  It shows the WEDC’s gross negligence; it’s the second to show the WEDC’s many failures (including deficiencies persisting from audit to audit).  (For a link to the prior audit, see WEDC Claims Success by Writing Off Bad Loans.)

For each and every official in Whitewater who has praised the WEDC as though it offered manna from Heaven, what will you to say about this organization now? 

For each and every local reporter who has carried water for the WEDC, ignoring ceaseless failures for the sake of lying headlines, how many more lies of omission will you commit?  That’s a silly question, I know: you’ll keep lying until the publications for which you write go under (and go under they will). 

For each and every WEDC ‘business citizen’ award recipient, with a shiny plaque or trophy, what will you do with your taxpayer-funded coaster or doorstop now?

I once heard that the WEDC’s work was all ‘chemistry,’ making it seem so natural (and so cleverly expressed, too).  Then and now, it’s been only alchemy.

Below, the recent audit information.

Tomorrow Friday, 5.15, I’ll answer the latest defense from the WEDC’s so-called CEO, Reed Hall.

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