
Rock-Climbing Bears

Videographer Stephanie Latimer describes her video: ‘Mommas with children or cubs don’t try this at home! Endangered Mexican Black Bears (momma and cub) climb Santa Elena Canyon wall, March 21st 2014. Spotted while kayaking and shared for your nature loving, rock climbing, suspenseful satisfaction.’

Be The Middle Cat

In a world of polar opposites, e.g., Left and Right, Republicans and Democrats, etc., there’s gain in taking an independent path. It’s the middle cat that enjoys some meat, while others remain steadfast, but get nothing.

Why It’s Hard to Swat a Fly

It’s not easy to swat a fly. Although almost brainless by human standards, recent observations at the University of Washington reveal that flies have “well-developed, rapid-firing sensory motor circuits [useful] in order to register and respond to the visual threat of predators so fast and effectively.” See, Fruit flies show why swatting at flies is…

A Happy Pup

Duncan Lou Who is a boxer puppy born with severely deformed hind legs that had to be surgically removed. Although he has a wheeled device to help him walk, in the video below he simply runs happily on his two forelegs, recorded doing so with a GoPro Camera.

The Imagination at Work

Long before they saw animals from faraway places, European artists imagined what they might look like, from tales they heard from others. Vincze Miklós writes about the art of the unfamiliar — See, How Europeans Imagined Exotic Animals Centuries Ago, Based on Hearsay.