
What is Whitewater?

One hears much about the city, of serving the city, and public service.  Yet, for all one hears, what is Whitewater? It’s every resident, of a number now nearly fifteen-thousand.  That’s a number far larger than those in city government, those working for the city, or those few who are quite sure that all the…

Update: Trainer videotaped hitting horse to be cited for animal abuse

Here’s an update on the story that prompted last week’s poll, Animal Abuse or Necessary Technique?, about a trainer recorded hitting a horse with a plastic bat. Seventy-seven percent of respondents thought that kind of treatment was abusive, about fifteen percent weren’t sure, and nearly eight percent said it wasn’t. Dane county officials will cite…

Beautiful Whitewater

Pale horse in green pasture Here’s a picture of a horse grazing in Whitewater. It’s just a horse photo. No one describes pictures like that anymore, so I felt compelled to give it a stuffier title. It’s still a horse photo. If I were to call it Cavalo amarelo em pasto verde, people in Sao…

Six more weeks of winter

Here’s a recording of Punxsutawney Phil’s 2012 prediction that six more weeks of winter await us. I know that there are local groundhogs in the forecasting biz, but here at FW only the most reputable, established, and celebrated groundhog will do. That’s Phil. video platform video management video solutions video player Okay, for those who…