
Friday Catblogging: Live Safari TV

Heather Djunga reports that one can Go on safari at home with a twice-daily live-stream from South Africa: When viewers join a tour, they ride “virtually” with rangers on dusty roads. They visit locations that wild animals frequent, such as watering holes where elephants, rhinos, leopards and other animals go daily to drink. Each safari…

Snow Leopards of Northern India

Dina Mishev writes How a lifelong obsession with snow leopards led me to northern India: It is an afternoon toward the end of our stay at the lodge that Namgail spots snow leopards: a mom and two cubs, maybe even the ones of which Norboo and I saw the tracks. We spent days driving up…

Art in Quarantine

One of the best Art in Quarantine Challenge attempts–girl in pearl earring. — Lorenzo The Cat (@LorenzoTheCat) April 14, 2020          

Friday Catblogging: Zoo Miami’s Clouded Leopards

  View this post on Instagram   Zoo Miami is excited to announce the successful births of highly endangered clouded leopards. The two kittens were born on February 11 and have been secluded in a den with their mother since then to avoid any external stress and allow proper bonding. ? ?? The mother, “Serai,”…