
Why Cats Seemingly Play with Their Prey

View image | Every so often, someone will ask why cats seem to toy with their food.  Why not, after all, simply pounce for a quick kill? Applied animal behaviorist Dr. Karen London supplies an answer: ….A study done decades ago investigated the playful behavior that cats often exhibit with their prey. The scientist Maxeen…

Friday Catblogging: A Cat Café for Ann Arbor

There’s a planned 2016 opening of a cat café, The Cats Meow Café, for Ann Arbor, Michigan. It’s only a matter of time until this catches on across America: “I always said that if I was going to open a business, that’s exactly what I would do,” Bono said. “After I realized it can be…

Friday Catblogging: Purring, Meowing

At New York Magazine‘s Science of Us blog, Melissa Dahl writes about what cats’ purring and meowing probably means. On Purring: The one thing you probably think you understand about how cats communicate — purring means they’re happy! — isn’t exactly right. Cats do indeed purr when they’re happy, but that’s not the most accurate…