
Happy National Cat Day

If you like cats, you’re in fine company.  Lincoln, Twain, Hemingway, and countless other great Americans from our history were cat admirers.  Via Wall Street Journal. Here’s a kitten enjoying a drink of formula as though celebrating the occasion:

Friday Catblogging: The Alley Cats of Japan

French photographer Alexander Bonnefoy went to Japan to photograph, and then publish as a book, photographs of the alley cats of Japan: The kitten-laden adventure took Bonnefoy from Okinawa to Hokkaido, down back alleys and up into trees. The cats he found ran the gamut of badassery as well. From the delicate ones with stunning…

Friday Catblogging: “The Private Life of a Cat”

A great find, from Alexis C. Madrigal @ The Atlantic (The Best Experimental Film About Cats Ever Made): During the mid 1940s, Maya Deren and Alexander Hammid made films together as a husband-and-wife team. Who did what and who deserves the credit for directing or shooting their films remains disputed scholarly territory, but suffice to…