
Friday Catblogging: Adopting Black Cats

Surprisingly – because they look particularly sharp – black cats are among the last shelter cats to be adopted, as people superstitiously believe they bring bad luck. Animal shelters and rescue groups have created videos like this one to encourage black-cat adoptions.

Friday Catblogging: Oscar the Bionic Cat

Update, 9.9.12: I’ve an update to this Friday catblogging post about Oscar the Bionic Cat: a link to a full program (available online) from the Smithsonian Channel about Oscar, entitled, “The Bionic Vet: Oscar & Mayo.” Injured in a farm accident, Oscar’s now ‘better, stronger, faster’ (or at least in pretty good shape for a…

Friday Catblogging: The Greatest Film Festival Ever

Update, 9.1.12: The winner of the festival was Henri 2, Paw de Deux. Kindly sent to my attention, news that cat videos got their moment on 8.30 at Minn. film festival: Warning: This is a story about online cat videos. If you’re among the seemingly tiny minority of the general population not interested in watching…