
Friday Catblogging: 11-Year-Old Cheetah Breaks Land Speed Record

An Olympics-caliber record: The fastest cheetah on Earth has done it again, breaking her previous world record for the 100-meter dash and setting a new best time of 5.95 seconds. This feat surpasses the fastest of all human 100-meter sprinters by almost four seconds. Usain Bolt, a Jamaican sprinter now competing at the 2012 London…

Friday Catblogging: So, how smart is your cat anyway?

Over at Yahoo!, there’s a quiz that you can take to see how smart your cat may be: But how smart are cats? Sure, they can groom themselves, have a natural inclination to use the litter box and are easily amused, but not too many have a repertoire of tricks or follow commands. Those who…

Friday Catblogging: In Memory of Meow the Tabby

Thirty-nine pound fat cat Meow died this week, aged only two. Needless to say, that’s astonishingly large for a cat. (The news clip below says he was 37 pounds – most accounts put his weight at 39, although he had been on a veterinary-designed diet.) video platform video management video solutions video player