
Friday Catblogging: Cat v. Kid

I’m sure to get complaints about this week’s catblogging photo – an animation of a spat between a small child and a feline. Some will blame the cat, others the child, still others will wonder where the parents are (after all — it wasn’t another cat that filmed this conflict).

Friday Catblogging: Top 10 Ways to Upgrade Your Cat’s Life

I like numbers 9 (Create a Place for Your Cats to Climb and Perch) and 10 (Teach Your Cat to Shake Hands), but I’m not so sure about number 8 (Get Your Cat Comfortable with a New Place with the Help of Butter)… See the full list at Lifehacker: Top 10 Ways to Upgrade Your Cat’s Life.

Friday Catblogging: Catapalooza in Dane County

For twenty-nine hours, beginning at noon today, the Dane County Humane Society at 5132 Voges Road is offering $29 adult cat adoptions. Other Dane County Human Society shelters will have regular hours, but still offer $29 adult cat adoptions. (See WKOW.) Additional information is available directly from the Dane County Humane Society. View Larger Map