
Friday Catblogging: The Rusty-Spotted Cat

Jeyran Main writes of the Rusty-Spotted Cat: He may look like a kitten or even fit in the palm of your hand, but this little male is nearly fully grown. What he lacks in size he makes up for endearing. Young cats are born curious. It is how they learn about their world, even if…

Friday Catblogging: Bruno Finds a Home

Bruno, a shelter cat in New Jersey, was returned to the shelter after only a week for being ‘too affectionate.’ Some cats like more contact than others, and Bruno has an affectionate nature than was unsuited to the family that first adopted him. Liam Quinn reports A cat named Bruno was returned to a shelter…

Friday Catblogging: Acoustic Kitty

Andrew Daniels writes in Popular Mechanics about the Acoustic Kitty project, a Failed Government Feline Mission:  In the 1960s, the CIA allegedly spent $20 million to implant microphones in cats’ ear canals so the animals could inconspicuously eavesdrop on the Soviets. The disastrous first mission, in which a cat would mosey around the Soviet embassy…

Friday Catblogging: Wildcat

Rob Thomas reports Melissa Lesh goes from Madison to the Amazon with ‘Wildcat’ movie: “Growing up in Madison was a huge part of my early love of nature,” Lesh said in a recent Zoom interview. “It definitely helped form my appreciation and love of wildlife and wild places.” For the last decade, Lesh and her…

Friday Catblogging: Cats of Yore

“A hand-colored portrait of the Trimpey family cat, Fluffy, sitting in a basket.” — Cats of Yore (@CatsOfYore) December 26, 2022 Hillary Frey praises Cats of Yore as the The Best Cat Account on the Internet: My Twitter feed is kind of a mess lately. Whatever changes Elon Musk has made to the algorithm…

Friday Catblogging: An Elegy for P-22

P-22, a puma known and beloved to residents of Los Angeles, died last week after a life of adventure. He wore a tracking collar, and his travels and appearances in Griffith Park captivated people in California and beyond. Well, done, feline, well done. David Olin writes Elegy for a big, beautiful L.A. cat: On the…