
Whitewater’s Innovation Center from the Perspective of the New Deal

I posted yesterday about Whitewater’s Innovation Center, in a post entitled, Whitewater’s Innovation Center: Grants and Bonds. The more one looks at the project, the emptier it seems. Attempts to justify the multi-million dollar public expenditure — on their own, apart from any other consideration — are exercises in embarrassing hyperbole. Attempts to answer objections…

Joyce Appleby on the Relentless Revolution of Capitalism

Capitalism is humanity’s best arrangement for prosperity. Alternatives are, to one degree or another, schemes of enforced poverty. has an interview with professor emerita Joyce Appleby of UCLA. It’s eight minutes of clarity and insight. The video is below, with Reason‘s description thereafter. Enjoy. Video link: “Exploitation is not exclusively capitalist, but wealth…

John Merline: A Tale of Two Economic Recoveries

The recovery that isn’t — Fourteen months after the 1981-1982 recession ended, the unemployment rate had dropped to 8 percent, the Consumer Confidence Index had soared to more than 103, and the economy was cooking along at an average 7.7 percent quarterly growth. This time around, unemployment is stuck at 9.6 percent, consumer confidence is…

Capital Times: Labor Day 2010 offers little to cheer

For many thousands across Wisconsin, this is a particularly hard Labor Day holiday: While the state unemployment rate has eased somewhat, falling to 7.8 percent in July, the “underemployment” rate — which includes those who’ve given up looking for work or are working part-time because they can’t find a full-time job — now accounts for… Give Us Liberty? Q&A with Dick Armey & Matt Kibbe of Freedom Works

Here’s a post with two Tea Party supporters, one of whom was once Republican majority leader in Congress. There are differences between the Tea Party movement and libertarianism, but simarities, too. Here’s a description from Reason accompanying the video: Link: Sen. Lisa Murkowski (R-Alaska) is the latest victim of the Tea Party insurgency that’s…

Unemployment Rate Rises in August

The unemployment rate rose to 9.6% in August. Although private payrolls increased, they did so by an amount too meager to prevent an increase in unemployment. There’s no better time to reduce government’s twin burdens of taxation and regulation. See, Unemployment Rate Rises in August.

Foreclosures creep higher – JSOnline

A preliminary count by Madison-based showed 2,511 filings in courts around the state last month, compared with 2,484 in August 2009…. Russell Kashian, a University of Wisconsin-Whitewater professor who tracks foreclosures in the state, put the blame on the job situation. “You aren’t going to see a real improvement in foreclosures unless you see…

Carmen Reinhart Warns That Economic Recovery Could Be Slow –

At the recent meeting of federal bankers in Wyoming, there was sobering news: Ms. Reinhart’s paper drew upon research she conducted with the Harvard economist Kenneth S. Rogoff for their book “This Time Is Different: Eight Centuries of Financial Folly,” published last year by Princeton University Press. Her husband, Vincent R. Reinhart, a former director…

Second-Quarter GDP Growth Revised Downward –

The U.S. economy grew more sluggish than initially estimated in the second quarter, and corporate profits nearly dried up, further evidence that the recovery is losing steam. Gross domestic product, the value of all goods and services produced, rose at an annualized seasonally adjusted rate of 1.6% from April to June, the Commerce Department said…