
Sorman: The Financial Crisis Seen [Clearly] Through Free-Market Eyes

Guy Sorman of City Journal writes at length in the Dallas Morning News about the financial crisis: As in the 1930s and 1970s, so today: Crises are a serious problem, but misguided economic policy makes them worse. After the 1930s, only war production could overcome the negative economic consequences of the New Deal. After the…

Those Who Paved the Way

Over at Economics21, James Capretta assessed the American economy through a Mid-Year Update. Capretta’s assessment relied on Office of Management and Budget projections: The numbers are eye-popping. The budget deficit in 2010 is expected to set a record at $1.471 trillion – or 10% of GDP. In 2011, the administration projects the deficit will again…

The Recovery Was An Illusion But That’s A Good Thing — Forbes

Sy Harding, in Forbes: Yes, the economic recovery was an illusion. So let’s not talk of double-dips. Let’s face the reality that the real economy’s first dip is still underway, that the real economy is still scraping along a bottom. That’s not a bad thing. It’s better than the thought that the economy recovered but…

LaToya Egwuekwe’s Decline: The Geography of a Recession

Journalist and blogger LaToya Egwuekwe created a depiction of the recession entitled, The Decline: The Geography of a Recession that is as powerful for being so startling. Here’s that depiction, showing the spread of the recession through the increase in unemployment across America: Link: Sad and astonishing in its subject, this is a video…

June jobs report reveals recession’s still-tight hold on [Wisconsin] state

The report’s findings confirm one thing, and suggest a second. First, regardless of the different solutions economists have for remedying our troubled economy, there’s general agreement that difficult conditions persist. Second, although the state is seeing hard times, not every community will feel the same hardships. Unemployment is not uniformly distributed across the state. Some…

Cato@Liberty – Paul Krugman on Carter and Reagan: Wrong Again

Over at, Alan Reynolds shows how Paul Krugman’s turned out to be a sloppy, careless columnist. In assessing the tax policies of the 1970s and 80s, Krugman cherry picks his figures, and even gets the starting date of a recession wrong – by about a year. Krugman’s blog makes mistakes like this ever more…

U.S. Economy: Fears rise as disappointing figures pile up –

….Most economists believe a dip back into recession — as well as an equally debilitating bout of deflation, or broadly falling prices — will be avoided. But many have nonetheless warned that the prospects are rising, and say the more probable scenario isn’t much more appealing: a protracted economic malaise with imperceptible growth and stubbornly…

John Merline: Where Did All Those Economic ‘Green Shoots’ Go?

John Merline asks, “Where Did All Those ‘Green Shoots’ Go?” In an Aug. 2 op-ed headlined “Welcome to the Recovery,” Treasury Secretary Timothy Geithner said that “we are on a path back to growth.” Eight days later, the Federal Reserve issued a report saying the “pace of recovery in output and employment has slowed in…

Voter Volatility Hits Fever Pitch –

Gerald Seib writes that It’s becoming increasingly clear that Americans arent simply in the midst of hard times. They are in the midst of one of the most volatile political environments since World War II.The immediate cause of this volatility is clear enough to see. Just a few months ago, there was a chance that…

Analyst: Odds of Double Dip Recession Higher Than 50-50

I have no way of calculating the likelihood of another recession. More meaningfully, and without any predictions, one can see that present conditions are already hard for millions of unemployed Americans. It’s telling that no major analyst seems to be predicting better times soon. We can assure a return of better times sooner, however, if…