
Grim Forecast (with Local Implications) from the Congressional Budget Office

The Congressional Budget Office yesterday issued its latest economic outline, as of August 2009, as a pdf document.  The CBO forecasts have been respected, traditionally, as accurate, non-partisan forecasts.  They estimate both annual federal deficits, overall public debt, and unemployment to continue to rise in the near term, with annual federal deficits (and thus overall…

“Eight Reasons Why Big Government Hurts Economic Growth”

Reason’s group video blog offers the first of two videos on economic and fiscal policy. Here’s the description accompanying the video: This Center for Freedom and Prosperity Foundation video analyzes how excessive government spending undermines economic performance. While acknowledging that a very modest level of government spending on things such as “public goods” can facilitate…

TV from California After Arnold

NBC used to bill its Thursday evening lineup, and other parts of its schedule, as “Must See TV.”  In a time when broadcast television mattered far more than now, it was a successful branding effort.   Here’s a recent video from a different source, libertarian —  After Arnold: California Gubernatorial Candidate Tom Campbell on Fixing…

Area’s unemployment rate tops state, keeps climbing — GazetteXtra

If anyone were so foolish that he or she doubted the seriousness of our economic condition, then grim statistics will sweep away all uncertainty. Nearby Janesville now has an unemployment rate of 13 percent, the highest in all Wisconsin. The story’s at the Gazette:

Keynesians — Still as Wrong as Ever!

Over at Cato’s website, there’s a post from Daniel J. Mitchell on how, despite the rush to spend and tax our way to prosperity, it’s clear Keynesian economics is, still, bad economics.  Who, by the way, said we’re all Keynesians now? That’s right, the man who was wrong about almost everything — Richard Nixon.  Goldwater…

Fortune Comes Around on the Bailout

In September, it was “Paulson to the Rescue,” and Fortune asked: “The Steely-Eyed Treasury Chief is Betting Billions on Bailouts. Can He Save Us from a Meltdown?’ Now, in November, Fortune sees something different when it asks, “Who Pays for the Bailout? You Do, Of Course!” “Of Course!” Wait, wait, wait — you breathless cheerlearders…

Saving Social Security: Run, Sonny, Run

Here’s the final segment of a five-part series from entitled, Saving Social Security. The animated video comes from Lineplot, a company that creatively describes financial topics. I posted the first of the series, Pimp My Walker, on October 4th, the second part, Boom Baby Boom! on October 11th, the third, Policy Warrior on October…

Saving Social Security: Broken Trust

Here’s the fourth part of a five-part series from entitled, Saving Social Security. The animated video comes from Lineplot, a company that creatively describes financial topics. I posted the first of the series, Pimp My Walker, on October 4th, the second part, Boom Baby Boom! on October 11th, and the third, Policy Warrior on…

Saving Social Security: Policy Warrior

Here’s the third part of a five-part series from entitled, Saving Social Security. The animated video comes from Lineplot, a company that creatively describes financial topics. I posted the first of the series, Pimp My Walker, on October 4th, and the second part, Boom Baby Boom! on October 11th.