
Speaker Vos – wearing personal protective equipment – insists it’s ‘incredibly safe to go out’

These Journal Times videos of Speaker Robin Vos in WI defending holding an election today are pretty remarkable. "You are incredibly safe to go out," he says. — Shane Goldmacher (@ShaneGoldmacher) April 7, 2020              

The Flaw

The flaw? If they don’t show up, they’re not voters. — Rick Wilson (@TheRickWilson) March 5, 2020              

The Unexpected (But Welcome) Never-Trump Haven @ MSNBC

So we who are Never Trump, mostly conservatives but also some libertarians (as I am), find ourselves part of a much larger coalition united in opposition to Trump. By ourselves there are too few of us to overcome the most powerful person in all the world; as a small but committed part of a much…

The Wisconsin Supreme Court Race

Yesterday’s spring primary included a statewide contest for the Wisconsin Supreme Court, with incumbent Justice Dan Kelly and challengers Judge Jill Karofsky and Professor Ed Fallone. (It was the only race on Whitewater’s ballot, as there were no contested local races). A few remarks — Statewide. Kelly and Karofsky will move on to the spring…

Fair Maps

I am proud to stand with @GovEvers tonight as he calls for non-partisan redistricting in Wisconsin. In 2011 Republicans drew some of the worst gerrymanders in the country. It’s time to change that and make things fair. It’s time to give power back to the people-where it belongs. — Eric Holder (@EricHolder) January 23,…

Battleground Wisconsin 2020

Although Trump carried Wisconsin in ‘16, and although 2020 is likely to see a hard fight against him in Wisconsin, Trump has significant obstacles he did not have in the last election. On Twitter, Joe Handrick (@joeminocqua) offers a sound analysis of Trump’s electoral position in the Badger State. Embedded below is the first of…

Sure enough…

Ron Johnson really is America’s Dumbest Senator™: MIDDLETON – U.S. Sen. Ron Johnson said Thursday there’s nothing improper about President Donald Trump’s call on Chinese officials to investigate his top political rival in his 2020 re-election bid. Trump extended the invitation Thursday to the foreign country as he faces impeachment over a similar request of the president of…

Major Supreme Court Decisions (And Where to Find Them)

There were two major United States Supreme Court decisions handed down today, on partisan gerrymandering and on a possible citizenship question for the 2020 census form. There will be significant commentary – some informed, some not – about these decisions, but it’s worth reading them in full.  Like most decisions, they’re lengthy, yet always worth…