
Film: Tiny Planet

Jonas Ginter is a German journalist with a knack for creative filmmaking. With the help of a 3-D printer—and a free template—he built a custom mount that holds six GoPro cameras at once. Each camera records from a different face of the cubed mount, which means that when all the footage is edited together, it…

Sunday Animation: Brain Divided

Brain Divided from Cartoon Brew on Vimeo. A film by Josiah Haworth, Joon Shik Song and Joon Soo Song debuting online exclusively in Cartoon Brew's 4th annual Student Animation Festival. WATCH Josiah Haworth's Animation Reel: Joon Soo Song's Animation Reel: Joon Shik Song's Animation Reel: To learn more about the production of…

Film: David Fincher – And the Other Way is Wrong

David Fincher – And the Other Way is Wrong from Tony Zhou on Vimeo. Tony Zhou appraises director David Fincher: “For sheer directorial craft, there are few people working today who can match David Fincher. And yet he describes his own process as “not what I do, but what I don’t do.” Join me today…

Film: Ethiopia

Ethiopia! from The Perennial Plate on Vimeo. We travelled to Ethiopia for two weeks and filmed the making of injera, false banana and coffee as well as everything else we saw. Please watch, enjoy and visit this amazing country! Created by: In Partnership with Intrepid Travel: Filmed & edited by: Daniel Klein (…

Sunday Animation: Butter Fingers

Butter Fingers from J-Scott on Vimeo. “Butter Fingers” explores some of the more unique items you might not want to let slip through your fingers. Let’s face it, if you can’t relate to dropping at least a handful of the items pictured, then you’re either utilizing duct-tape to it’s fullest potential or it was you…

Film: The Place Where Silent Movies Sing

The Old Town Music Hall in El Segundo, California is one of the most delightful movie theaters you’ll ever see. The venue has shown silent films since 1967, accompanied by the live music of an antique, wind-powered pipe organ called the Mighty Wurlitzer. The organ, which was built in 1925, contains more than 2,600 pipes,…

Sunday Animation: A Birthday Card

Joseph Bennett took an audio track from an old, overly-dramatic documentary about Bigfoot and other legendary creatures, and animated the events described. He gave his finished animation to his grandfather (with whom he had watched the original documentary years earlier) as a birthday present. Animation makes the old documentary seem even nuttier, and it’s great…

Friday Catblogging: “The Private Life of a Cat”

A great find, from Alexis C. Madrigal @ The Atlantic (The Best Experimental Film About Cats Ever Made): During the mid 1940s, Maya Deren and Alexander Hammid made films together as a husband-and-wife team. Who did what and who deserves the credit for directing or shooting their films remains disputed scholarly territory, but suffice to…

The Death of Film: After Hollywood Goes Digital, What Happens to Movies?

In this documentary, directors Jason Gwynn and Jay Sheldon interview film projectionists during their last days on the job at a soon-to-be-defunct movie theater. As Hollywood studios move toward digital distribution, many theaters are forced to abandon their 35mm projectors—and pay up to $150,000 for new projection technology. This change, as the documentary explains, is heartbreaking for the people responsible for…