
Sunday Animation: A Horse Throat

A Horse Throat from DavidBK on Vimeo. A small horse in a restaurant can’t stop coughing. Everybody is irritated. WINNER of the Crazy Horse Session – 48h Animation Jam at the Stuttgart Festival of Animated Film, 2014 Directed by David Barlow-Krelina and Jenna Marks Made in 48 hours

“The Shawshank Residuals”

An enduring, deserved success: Bob Gunton is a character actor with 125 credits to his name, including several seasons of “24” and “Desperate Housewives” and a host of movie roles in films such as the Oscar-winning “Argo.” Vaguely familiar faces like his are common in the Los Angeles area where he lives, and nobody pays…

Friday Poll: Anticipated Summer-Blockbuster Films

I’m hoping for a good summer-movie season. Here’s a poll listing some of the films that studios are hoping will be summer blockbusters. (I’ve included a few that are already in theaters.) What looks good to you? Multiple selections are possible. Anticipated Summer-Blockbuster Films Trailers below: