Government Spending

Another Innovation: Whitewater’s ‘Innovation’ Center as an Eleven-Million Dollar Meeting Hall

The federal government gave millions in tax dollars to Whitewater, the Whitewater Community Development Authority, and UW-Whitewater for a reason. Here’s that reason: September 7-September 11, 2009 …$4,740,809 to the Whitewater Community Development Authority, the University of Wisconsin Whitewater, and the City of Whitewater, Wisconsin, to fund construction of the new Innovation Center and infrastructure…

Bell Officials’ E-Mails: We Act Like Pigs – CBS News

Readers may recall the story of excessive municipal compensation of officials in Bell, California, an impoverished town where officials helped themselves to huge salaries. See, Excessive Public Compensation in Bell, California (Lessons for the Rest of America) and Update: Excessive Public Compensation in Bell, California (Lessons for the Rest of America) It’s even worse than…

Cuts to State Shared Revenue: Whitewater’s Politics of It All (First Take)

Whether Gov. Walker’s proposal to restrict public-employee collective bargaining is victorious or abandoned, cuts to state shared revenue are on the way, for Whitewater and its school district. I have supported cuts to government spending, not as a matter of budget repair, but as a long term-goal — for smaller, more limited, more responsible government.…

The 2 Reasons Muni Investors Should Be Terrified By What’s Going On In Wisconsin – Yahoo! Finance

The unexpected, and why it might be worrisome, regardless of the politics of today’s protests (and I think parts of Wisconsin’s controversy are separate from controlling costs) — For muni investors, there are two reasons to worry. The first is that nobody had Wisconsin on its list of big states to worry about going into the new…

Four Reasons Why Big Government Is Bad Government

This Economics 101 video from the Center for Freedom and Prosperity explains that excessive government spending undermines prosperity by diverting resources from the productive sector of the economy. Moreover, the two main ways of financing government — taxes and borrowing — cause additional economic damage. presents Citizens Against Government Waste’s Porkers of the Month for January 2011

Here’s the text accompanying the video — After the wasteful development work on the alternate engine for the Joint Strike Fighter was in danger of losing funding, these three urged the Pentagon to release even more taxpayer funds for redundant technology no one wants. Congratulations Senators, you are Citizen’s Against Government Waste’s Porkers of the…