Government Spending

John Stossel: Did Freedom Win?

Libertarian John Stossel has cause for skepticism: ….Remember the last time the Republicans took power? They promised fiscal responsibility, and for six of George W. Bush’s eight years, his party controlled Congress. What did we have to show for it? Federal spending increased by 54 percent. That’s more than any president in the last 50…

Draining the Swamp of Red Ink

Congressman Paul Ryan’s office released the text of a speech he delivered in Oregon. Ryan’s noted for a budget roadmap he’s drafted, but it says much about our politics that budgetary reform makes both many Democrats and many of Ryan’s fellow Republicans uncomfortable. The address appears below. Rep. PAUL RYAN: Like my home state of…

Opinion: A step toward curing Washington’s spending disease – eliminating earmarks – Rep. Eric Cantor –

There is no question that earmarks – rightly or wrongly – have become the poster child for Washington’s wasteful spending binges. They have been linked to corruption and scandal, and serve as a fuel line for the culture of spending that has dominated Washington far too long. These reasons alone would justify completely eliminating earmarks,…

Cato Institute’s 2010 Fiscal Policy Report Card on America’s Governors

The Cato Institute has released its 2010 Fiscal Policy Report Card on America’s Governors, and Wisconsin fares poorly in the report. I’ve be a sometime critic of the outgoing Doyle Administration’s policies, but candidly, his Republican predecessors (Thompson, McCallum) left the state’s finances in poor condition, too. The return of a Republican to the governor’s…

Whitewater’s Innovation Center from the Perspective of the New Deal

I posted yesterday about Whitewater’s Innovation Center, in a post entitled, Whitewater’s Innovation Center: Grants and Bonds. The more one looks at the project, the emptier it seems. Attempts to justify the multi-million dollar public expenditure — on their own, apart from any other consideration — are exercises in embarrassing hyperbole. Attempts to answer objections…