Government Spending

Wall Street Journal: The Keynesian Dead End

There’s an editorial from last week’s Wall Street Journal entitled, The Keynesian Dead End: Spending our way to prosperity is going out of style. (In fairness, many plans implemented as “Keynesian” would probably shock Keynes, himself. To reflect this truth, the WSJ refers to recent policies Neo-Keynesian. Emphasis on the “neo,” I wouldn’t wonder.) The…

The YouCut Choices This Week: Why Not Require Collection of Unpaid Federal Taxes from Federal Employees?

Here are this week’s YouCut proposals — spending cut proposals from among choices posted online. The most popular ideas go to a House vote. U.S. Representative Eric Cantor notes that “[o]ur nation’s debt grows by $4.9 billion every day.” Last week, I voted for cutting funding of major parties’ political conventions. That wasn’t the highest-yielding…

Associated Press: Economy Faces Tough Road Ahead with Slower Growth – Yahoo! Finance

Status quo efforts to restore prosperity, especially to places like tiny Whitewater, Wisconsin, won’t work. We don’t need more public projects; we need more private opportunities. Whitewater’s municipal government can’t make our lives better, and the road ahead is too uneven to expect conventional solutions to help us. Our way out: dismantling every part of…

Martin Borgs on Preventing the Next Financial Disaster

Market advocates are optimists. We warn against government intervention and spending because we know that common people — as we are — can do uncommon things when able to associate freely without interference or regulation. We reject the contrived and manipulative schemes of politicians and bureaucrats, ad welcome the dynamism and productivity of private citizens…

Sarah Palin’s Right: Minor Marijuana Arrests Are a Waste of Police Resources

I’ve supported reform of Wisconsin’s laws so that chronically ill people can take regulated medical marijuana lawfully. I think reform in Wisconsin is long overdue, and that although reform did not pass in our recent legislative session, it one day will. When that happens, Wisconsin will join many other states that allow medically prescribed marijuana.…

Why is America So Successful?

John Stossel asks, “Why is America So Successful?” Stossel concludes, following Friedman, that it’s not natural resources that gave America “a standard of living that’s the envy of most of the world.” Instead, it’s limited government and free market choices that make America prosperous: More than any other American, Friedman, who won the Nobel Prize…