
The 2010 Walworth County Fair

The Walworth County Fair is a big event in this part of the world, and it’s a great treat to visit each year. The fair takes place through Labor Day weekend, and marks the end of summer. At, there’s a blog that will keep track of the fair. A schedule of events is also…

Eleven Fifty-Nine for 7-4-10

Good evening, Whitewater’s Independence Day parade was among the biggest of recent memory, with local groups and out-of-city participants from as far as fifty miles away. I published some scenes from the parade, in an earlier post. Just a bit ago, I watched the fireworks from across Cravath Lake, looking toward downtown Whitewater. Thousands of…

Citizens, Not Subjects

There’s a fine story at the Washington Post (free registration req’d) entitled, “Jefferson Changed ‘Subjects’ to ‘Citizens’ in Declaration of Independence.” It’s long been known that Jefferson made changes as he worked on his draft of the Declaration, as anyone would. ONly in one case, however, did he erase a word entirely, and substitute a…

Whitewater’s Fourth of July Events for 7-4

Whitewater’s Independence weekend events conclude today, with a full description is available at Sunday, July 4th 8:00 AM – 3:00 PM 26th Annual Car Show 10:50 AM Whippet City Mile 11:00 AM Whitewater’s 4th of July Parade Here’s a parade route map: 12 Noon Festival Opens – Midway by Christman Amusement Opens – American…

Whitewater’s Fourth of July Events

Whitewater’s Independence weekend events continue, and a full description is available at Here’s what’s upcoming: Saturday, July 3rd (Kid’s Day) 12 Noon Festival Opens – Midway by Christman Amusement Opens (Arm Bands 12PM-4PM) – American Legion Beer Tent Opens – Food Vendors Open 12:00 noon – 4:00PM – Children’s petting zoo – Sponsored by…

Whitewater’s Fourth of July

I received the following press release that I am happy to post — The Whitewater Area 4th of July committee is excited to announce it has a packed line-up of activities and entertainment for the 2010 festival held at the Cravath Lakefront Park. The festival has secured national recording artist Heidi Newfield formerly of “Trick…