
Thanksgiving News Update from the Institute for Justice

Here’s a holiday recap of projects ongoing at the Institute for Justice: Happy Thanksgiving! We wanted to send you a quick update on what the Institute for Justice has been up to over the past month. Live in Connecticut? Want brighter teeth? It’s a felony for anyone but a licensed dentist to offer teeth-whitening services.…

Fallone on the “Original Intent of the Recall Power.”

The governor, lt. governor, and as many as four state senators face recall elections next year. So is use of the recall power against these incumbents consistent with Wisconsin law? There’s an answer in a solid post at the Marquette Law Faculty blog from Edward Fallone entitled, The Original Intent of the Recall Power. (Fallone,…

The War on Immigrants

Over at Reason’s blog, libertarian Shikha Dalmia writes on Alabama’s War on Immigrants. The essay is solid from beginning to end. I’d recommend readers to consider her full essay, but I’ll quote now from a few key passages. Overview: Conservatives are resorting to ever more draconian measures to take back the country from “illegal immigrants.”…

U.S. Supreme Court’s Consideration of Challenge to ObamaCare

Ilya Shapiro of Cato comments on the Supreme Court’s consideration (this term, March oral argument) of challenges to ObamaCare (considering particularly the individual mandate provision of that law). There will be no more significant case before that court in this term, or any recent term. See, SCOTUS Will Hear ObamaCare Challenges | Ilya Shapiro |…

Good Riddance, Arizona Sen. Russell Pearce

I see that Russell Pearce, the Arizona Senate president who authored that state’s harsh immigration law, met defeat in Tuesday’s recall from another Republican. Although the other candidate, school-executive Jerry Lewis, shares some of the same views, Pearce’s defeat is still a good day for Arizona and America. See, Arizona recall: Why Russell Pearce lost.…

Gallup Reports Record Number in Favor of Legalizing Marijuana Use

Respected polling-firm Gallup reports that for the first time, half of all Americans support legalizing marijuana use. Fifty-percent of all Americans favor legalization; that’s a huge jump from forty years ago. The ongoing trend is also clear: younger Americans are more likely to support, and senior citizens more likely to oppose, legalization. In another twenty…

Legislator responsible for Transportation Security Administration says dismantle, privatize the agency

Indeed. Long, long overdue. The agency is one of America’s greatest contemporary mistakes. They’ve been accused of rampant thievery, spending billions of dollars like drunken sailors, groping children and little old ladies, and making everyone take off their shoes. But the real job of the tens of thousands of screeners at the Transportation Security Administration…

Matt Welch Debates Ann Coulter on the Iraq War, TSA, and Using Torture

Reason editor-in-chief Matt Welch debated Ann Coulter on a special Stossel episode dedicated to how the government has responded to 9/11. Welch debated Coulter on how secure America is after invading Iraq, creating the TSA, and implementing torture for information gathering. Air Date: September 8, 2011. I’m with Welch on all three, believing particularly that…

Justice Gableman’s Dodgy Recollection (Updated)

Update, 6:45 PM: Gableman changes his story, now says altercation with Bradley was 2009, not 2008. Incredible. But he had previously  said that he knew it was 2008, because he had only been on the court a short while (“…reports also quote him as saying he had been on the court for about a month…

Six Years in Prison for Legally Recording a Police Officer?

Photography and video recordings both protect honest police departments against false accusations and assure communities receive information about instances of official misconduct. When citizens exercise their rights to photography and video recording, they are also bolstering the work of good officers by helping identify a few corrupt ones. Yet not everyone sees it this way,…