
Nat Hentoff: Anonymous Speech is Protected Speech

The Cato Institute filmed noted civil libertarian Nat Hentoff discussing topics of liberty in honor of his eighty-sixth birthday. Age has scarcely slowed Hentoff down, and he writes and speaks frequently on topics in law (and jazz, for which he is equally well-regarded). In this clip, Hentoff discusses the traditional American right to anonymous speech.…

Wisconsin Assembly Bill 173

Yesterday, Rep. Don Pridemore’s Arizona-syle immigration legislation received a numerical designation: Assembly Bill 173. The full text of the bill is online at the Legislature’s website. The bill has the following initial sponsors: “Representatives Pridemore, Wynn, LeMahieu, Kleefisch, Steineke and Jacque; Cosponsored by Senator Lasee.” One could have expected Wynn to support this measure. His…

The Government’s War on Cameras

Photography and recordings do much to safeguard citizens’ rights and protect honest officers against false accusations. Places in which officials discourage lawful, constitutional photography are ones in which officials not only act outside the law but also imprudently. There will be fewer injustices, and better policing, in a word of expansive photographers’ rights. By the…

Impediments to Second Amendment Rights

There a story over at the Janesville Gazette that catalogs the objections that some police leaders have to concealed carry rights (and probably to many other gun rights). See, Law enforcement against concealed-carry legislation. I doubt that opposition to gun rights is nearly so strong among field officers as it is among administrators. In any…

Of JoAnne Kloppenburg

On the Saturday before the April election, JoAnne Kloppenburg visited Whitewater, and I went out to see her. Like most people, I’d never seen her in person, and wanted to hear her talk. (Justice Prosser’s had a more public career, in the legislature and more recently on the court; many people have run into him,…

Simple and Reasonable Compliance with the Law

To enforce the law, one must observe the law. Conversely, one cannot credibly enforce the law by ignoring portions one does not like. This principle is so simple and clear that stating as much states the obvious. Whitewater has a lawful requirement that senior city leaders live within the city limits, among them nearly a…

An Epic Eminent Domain Battle: Inner-City Kids, Boxing Gym Fight Back

The Institute for Justice highlights a case that’s heartbreaking — how developers and government collude in the wrongful use of eminent domain, to the harm of at-risk children. Here’s what’s at stake: A San Diego-area boxing gym that serves at-risk kids is showing what it takes to fight for what is right and to win.…

Sunshine Week, March 13 – 19

It’s Sunshine Week in America this week. Here’s a quick description of the initiative, from the Sunshine Week website: Sunshine Week is a national initiative to promote a dialogue about the importance of open government and freedom of information. Participants include news media, civic groups, libraries, nonprofits, schools and others interested in the public’s right…

Electronic Frontier Foundation Reports on Fourth Amendment Victories

I’m a proud member of the Electronic Frontier Foundation, and here’s part of a message they’ve sent their members about recent fourth amendment victories: It’s been a great week for electronic privacy and the 4th Amendment! In a decision issued yesterday, the Sixth Circuit Court of Appeals ruled that the government must have a search…