
Plant a Garden, Go to Jail for 93-Days?! Reason’s Nanny of the Month for July 2011

Food trucks, baggy pants, but the winner involves trying to ban vegetables in a front yard. Oak Park, Michigan’s city planner, Kevin Rulkowski, tried (but ultimately failed) to ban a front-yard vegetable garden on private property. What’s funny-sad is his attempt to justify the ban through his limited understanding of the word ‘suitable,’ coupled with…

Whitewater’s Concealed Carry Debate

Concealed carry legislation went to the governor, and he signed it, about a month ago. (For an overview of that legislation, see Mary Spicuzza’s Concealed carry bill heads to Walker for signature. A provision of the bill allows communities to place restrictions on the presence of otherwise lawfully-concealed weapons, beyond the restrictions (police stations, court…

Forget the Tea Party: Is It Libertarianism That’s On the Rise?

Here’s a press release for FreedomFest, a place to meet libertarians from across America: “Greatest libertarian show on earth” projected to hit record crowds LAS VEGAS – Move over Tea Party, libertarianism is on the rise. Combining much of the civil liberties perspectives of social democrats with a fiscally conservative philosophy, libertarian-minded voters want to…

Six Years in Prison for Legally Recording a Police Officer?

Photography and video recordings both protect honest police departments against false accusations and assure communities receive information about instances of official misconduct. When citizens exercise their rights to photography and video recording, they are also bolstering the work of good officers by helping identify a few corrupt ones. Yet not everyone sees it this way,…

Raw Milk’s Not an Ordinary School Food

I have long favored raw milk as a choice for adults, and adults who choose it for their children.  It’s not, though, a food that’s ready for school children whose parents have not constented to its inclusion on a menu: Laboratory test results show that the Campylobactor jejuni bacteria that caused diarrheal illness among 16…

The FBI wants your garbage (and a lot more)

Yes, they do. Here’s a message from the ACLU, describing another of the federal government’s ceaseless quests for more power over the lives of law-abiding citizens: You probably wouldn’t expect that FBI agents would want to dig through your trash unless they had a real good reason. And you surely wouldn’t want them following you…

Wisconsin 25th of 50 for Freedom

The Mercatus Center of George Mason University released its annual report on liberty, ranking freedom in each of the states. Wisconsin comes in a disappointing 25th, no better than middling. See, Freedom in the Fifty States 2011. Wisconsin’s freedoms have been under siege in 2011 — our new administration and legislative majority regulate from the…

When Nat Hentoff Met Che Guevara

In this clip, civil libertarian Hentoff describes a meeting he once had with Che Guevara. Hentoff notes that even in a simple interview, Guevara, a tyrant and mass murderer masquerading as a liberator, was dissembling, initially choosing to hide behind an interpreter. YouTube – When Nat Hentoff Met Che Guevara.

Nat Hentoff: Anonymous Speech is Protected Speech

The Cato Institute filmed noted civil libertarian Nat Hentoff discussing topics of liberty in honor of his eighty-sixth birthday. Age has scarcely slowed Hentoff down, and he writes and speaks frequently on topics in law (and jazz, for which he is equally well-regarded). In this clip, Hentoff discusses the traditional American right to anonymous speech.…

Eight Steps for Responding to Political Wrongs

There are political decisions of all kinds, but few are truly wrong. Most are simply efficient or inefficient, practical or impractical. There are times, however, when a politician offers a proposal that works a great wrong, and stands against America’s fundamental principles. When a politician takes that course, what is to be done? First, speak…