
What Democracy Looks Like

Last Friday, there was a protest rally in Whitewater, along Main Street, and over one-hundred fifty people attended. See, Scenes from a Whitewater Rally, 3.18.11. That’s a large number for Whitewater — especially on a Friday evening as work was ending — and larger in ways worthy of mention. First, the pro-union gathering was one…

‘Thugs,’ ‘Pickets,’ and Other Absurd Claims

Whitewater’s tired, stodgy town fathers, and chief bureaucrat, aren’t really conservative or liberal: they’re simply reactionary. So when a few working people came to town, to protest lawfully near a politician’s house, one read about this as though Whitewater were besieged by barbarians by pickets(!) from Milwaukee. That’s Milwaukee, Wisconsin and Madison, Wisconsin — as…

A Rally in Whitewater on Friday, March 18th

Here’s a chance to exercise the freedom of assembly in defense of the freedom of association. On Friday, March 18th, there will be a rally at the Main Street bridge in Whitewater, near Cravath Lakefront followed by a town hall meeting at the Whitewater City Council chambers. Here’s more about the event, from a public…

Lessons from Atlas Shrugged

Here’s a fine video about what the videographer learned from Atlas Shrugged. I’m a libertarian, rather than an Objectivist (as I’d guess the videographer is), but the video offers an appeal to both groups. (Libertarianism is a political view, of individual rights and limited government, and has no inherent suspicion of religion, as Objectivism does.…

Long live the American dream

“There are many reasons why India and China have nothing on us.” So very true — despite considerable challenges, there’s sound reason for optimism about America.  Her  best days are yet ahead. Via THEDAILY.COM.

Lament of the Chicken Littles

There are lot of people who are very sure that protests in Madison are proof of a disordered society. They’re quick to wail and cry that the sky is falling, and that these protests are the end of Polite and Civilized Society as Understood by Polite and Civilized People. They sky’s not falling; society’s doing…

Sundry Libertarian Themes

I’ve had an eclectic set of posts lately, perhaps more even than usual. Someone asked me if there’s a theme to them, and there is. These recent posts reflect a libertarian view (although not exclusively a libertarian one.) I’ll list some posts, with a few remarks on each. First, what do we believe? Libertarians support…