
Bees Help Sculpt a Tea Pot

"Thousand Years" by Tomas Libertiny from Studio Libertiny on Vimeo. Artist Tomas Libertiny partners with over 60.000 bees to create this splendid teapot wax sculpture. Libertiny made a teapot-shaped hive that the bees then colonized, building a hexagon comb around it and the Bees make their almost mathematically precise honeycomb structure around it. Just an…

Why Cats Seemingly Play with Their Prey

View image | Every so often, someone will ask why cats seem to toy with their food.  Why not, after all, simply pounce for a quick kill? Applied animal behaviorist Dr. Karen London supplies an answer: ….A study done decades ago investigated the playful behavior that cats often exhibit with their prey. The scientist Maxeen…