
DNR Establishes Anti-Poacher Hotline

I saw that the WI DNR has established an anti-poacher hotline. Not a bad idea, and especially nice to see that (as with similar hotlines) the state readily embraces a principle of anonymity: Help the wardens protect your natural resources and wildlife from poachers and violators. If you see anything suspicious during the pending 9-day…

Whitewater’s First 70-Degree Day (with heat to spare)

Two weeks ago, the FW comment forum asked, in comments and a poll, what would be Whitewater’s First 70-Degree Day this Year? Today was that day (using the data for Whitewater), topping out at over 80 degrees. (The National Weather Service data for the Whitewater area, using Janesville information, showed a high temperature of…

Gallery of Falconry Photos – JSOnline

Master falconers Eric Wittak of North Prairie and Gary Cox of Elkhorn fly their Harris’s hawks on a hunt in Waukesha County. Visit the link below for the gallery at the Milwaukee Journal Sentinel‘s website — Via Falconry – JSOnline.

Deer, coyotes and turkeys, oh my!

The Wisconsin Center for investigative Journalism‘s Kate Golden and Allie Tempus have a fine story about the number and cost of collisions between wildlife and aircraft in Wisconsin. Just as Doug Drost was landing at the Shell Lake airport, his wife, Karen Drost, saw something hurtling out of the darkness toward their Cessna 210. Something big.…

Sandhill Cranes

A video of a huge flock Sandhill Cranes at Bosque del Apache National Wildlife Refuge, New Mexico, USA. The video clip includes cranes landing. Via,_New_Mexico,_USA-8.ogv By snowpeak (John Fowler) ( [CC-BY-2.0 (] via Wikimedia Commons

“Wis tornado moves dog house with dog inside” by GazetteXtra

National Weather Service forecaster Mark Gehring says the tornado went six miles in six minutes…. It also knocked down power poles, uprooted trees and moved a dog house across a yard with a dog in it. Gehring says the dog was fine. Via “Wis tornado moves dog house with dog inside” by Latest News —…

Small Steps Against Extinction –

Conservation efforts have helped a few species avoid extinction, but the impact hasn’t been broad enough to stem the long-term decline in biodiversity, new research finds. The assessment, in two papers published Tuesday in the journal Science, concludes that the survival of one-fifth of the world’s vertebrates is threatened. However, the losses for three specific…

Daily Bread for Whitewater, Wisconsin: 10-12-10

Good morning, Whitewater’s forecast for Tuesday calls for a mostly sunny day, with a high temperature of seventy-seven degrees. In the City of Whitewater today, at 4:15 p.m., there will be a meeting of the Urban Forestry Commission. The agenda for the meeting is available online. There will be a PTO meeting at Lincoln School…

Daily Bread for Whitewater, Wisconsin: September 30, 2010

Good morning, Today’s forecast for Whitewater calls for a sunny day with a high temperature of sixty-nine degrees. Over at Wired, there’s a hopeful story entitled, “Third of ‘Extinct’ Mammals May Still Be Alive.” Mammals supposed extinct from habitat loss are more likely to have survived than mammals presumed extinct due to invasive species or…