New Whitewater

Whitewater’s Evolution

Update, 5.10.12 @ 8:20 PM: See, along these lines, Whitewater’s city manager’s published acknowledgement in a newspaper interview (online at 1:03 PM today) of a possible position with Walworth County. Original post of 5.10.12 @ 12:30 PM: Change comes at varying speeds, sometimes quickly, sometimes slowly, still other times seemingly (but only seemingly) not at…

New Whitewater’s Inevitability

I’ve written before about the transition — one that I believe is certain, as much as anything human can be — from Old Whitewater to New Whitewater. A summary of my thinking: There’s a transition taking place, slowly but ineluctably, from a stodgy, stagnant Whitewater to a more hip & prosperous one. We’ve probably about…