
4 Points About Public Records Requests

So a local paper complains that a local school superintendent won’t comply with a public records request, won’t put the paper on a media contact list, and simply ‘must’ improve communications.   A few points — 1.  Compliance with a public records request isn’t a ‘communications’ issue; it’s a legal issue, of rights of residents…

Brookings on ‘7 trends in old and new media’

The liberal-leaning Brookings Institution, in a paper from Elaine Kamarck and Ashley Gabriele, offers insight into 7 trends in old and new media. Their seven observations are solid, and broadly similar to the assessments of Clay Shirky, in Last call: the end of the printed newspaper. Brookings summarizes their work: The following are seven essential truths about the news today…

Sadly, Milwaukee Will Catch Up to Whitewater

In our small and beautiful city, what passes for professionally-produced news is poorly written, poorly reasoned, and fawning of authority. That’s been true for years in Whitewater, much to the delight of local officials, who’d prefer a good headline at the Gazette, Daily Union, Register (or even the Banner) to actually doing a good job.…

Newspapers Decline Even Faster

Print newspapers are going away.  Not all at the same pace, but in time they’ll all meet the same end. One might have expected the Journal Sentinel to cease print publication by 2020 or so, but Gannett’s decision to buy the J-S (and the rest of the print papers in the Journal Media Group) is…