
Friday Poll: Ryan Braun

I’ve no idea what the Brewers will or can do with Ryan Braun next year ($130 million remaining is a lot to shop around), but a simple question: how do you feel about his role next year? I’ll say he seems like Armstrong to me, too many false denials, too insistent in each one. Untrustworthy…

Friday Poll: Civet Coffee

Over at the Huffington Post, there’s a story about a taste test of civet-poop coffee. Civets eat coffee beans, but digest them only imperfectly: It comes from a bean that’s been swallowed and partially digested by a civet, a mammal native to parts of Asia and Africa that looks a bit like a cat but…

Friday Poll: Bring Back the Passenger Pigeon?

Martha, the last passenger pigeon, 1914 Scientists just might be able to bring back the now-extinct Passenger Pigeon. As though a story about Jurassic Park (but with harmless bids instead of carnivorous dinosaurs), Sarah Pruitt writes about the possibility of reviving that now-extinct species: The last known passenger pigeon, named for Martha Washington, died in…

Friday Poll: Sharknado

No need for jokes about jumping the shark, when jumping from them is the very plot of the Syfy Channel’s upcoming July 11th original film, Sharknado. Here’s the trailer for the film: So, probable masterpiece or likely travesty? I’ll say masterpiece, but what do you think? Can’t wait… Sharknado: Probable Masterpiece or Likely Travesty?

Friday Poll: So What Should Happen with that IKEA Monkey?

Months ago, shoppers found a monkey named Darwin wandering in an IKEA parking lot in Toronto. Canadian officials placed the animal in Toronto Animal Services’ care. Now Darwin’s owner, Yasmin Nakhuda, wants her monkey back. She contends that she was was tricked into surrendering the animal. (Those wily Canadian bureaucrats!) It’s a hard case: I…

Friday Poll: A McDonald’s Lawsuit

Singer Jacqueline Simpson is suing McDonald’s for injury to her voice after eating a McChicken sandwich that she claims had a piece of glass in it. She now alleges that the glass damaged her voice, and her singing voice now sounds like a man’s, affecting her musical ambitions. She’s upset: “Now when I sing, I…

Friday Poll: Summer Blockbusters

Here’s a poll of films that their studios hope will be summer blockbusters. Perhaps, perhaps not. I’ll guess Star Trek, Man of Steel, and Pacific Rim will be huge. What do you think (and what else is on the horizon that I’ve missed)? Poll (multiple answers possible) with trailers below — Summer Blockbusters: What Looks…

Friday Poll: Flying Cars at Last?

All one’s life one has probably heard stories about the possibility of flying cars, with some of those accounts insisting that the flying car would be just around the corner. CNN has a story about another company, Terrafugia, that claims it’s now got flying automobiles. At CNN, Dan Gross writes about Terrafugia in a post…

Friday Poll: Is Hockey Too Violent?

Yesterday, in the NHL playoffs, Eric Gryba hit Lars Eller, leaving him bleeding on the ice: Montreal Canadiens center Lars Eller was taken off the ice on a stretcher after being leveled by a hit from Ottawa Senators defenceman Eric Gryba on Thursday night. With 6:37 remaining in the second period of Game 1 of the first round Eastern Conference playoff…

Friday Poll: Bucks v. Heat Game 4

Milwaukee hosts Miami this Sunday at 2:30 PM in Game 4 of a best-of-seven playoff series. They’re down 0-3. Do they win on Sunday, or get swept? Bucks or Heat, you pick. (This year, sorry to say, I think it’s all Miami.) What do you think? Game Four: Milwaukee Bucks v. Miami Heat?

Friday Catblogging & Poll: Elegant or Evil Glint?

Over at the Daily Mail, there’s a story about a Romanian cat show, with 200 cats in competition.  (See, “Their beauty must be on the inside! Some of the world’s most miserable looking cats enter competition to find most attractive feline (though at least one of them was adorable!”). Needless to say, it’s hardly a…