
Friday Poll: Keep Dog or Boyfriend?

There’s an advice column at Slate called Dear Prudence, to which a reader recently wrote asking what she should do after a boyfriend asked her to get rid of her nine-near-old dog before the boyfriend would marry her. The dog-owner wanted to postpone marriage until the dog dies. I have a simpler option as a…

Friday Poll: Lance Armstrong Doping Charges

There are new doping charges against Lance Armstrong, from the US Anti-Doping Agency. (These are new charges, but not new allegations.) Unexpectedly, some of the most thorough newspaper coverage of doping investigations about Lance Armstrong has come from the Wall Street Journal. What do you think? Armstrong Doping Charges: Yes, No, Not Sure

Friday Poll: Will you vote in the recall election?

The state’s Government Accountability Board expects a recall voting level of around 60-65%. That would be a much larger percentage of voting-age residents than for the last gubernatorial election (then, about half of the voting-age population.) Will you vote in the recall election?

Memorial Day Weekend Grilling Choices

For those who are grilling this weekend, here’s a poll about some of the likely possibilities to grace the grill. Multiple answers are possible. What will you be grilling? At the House of Dissenting Opinion, we’ll have steak and fish, but lamb is always tempting if one can find something suitable… Memorial Day Weekend Grilling…

Friday Poll: Is Facebook a Fad?

Update, 5.19.12: a middling first day for Facebook (Facebook Falls Back to IPO Price – Facebook’s had a successful IPO, but there’s a poll from AP-CNBC where a majority think Facebook a passing fad. What do you think? (I’ll venture no, and say it’s likely to be around for a good while.) Do you…

Update: Trainer videotaped hitting horse to be cited for animal abuse

Here’s an update on the story that prompted last week’s poll, Animal Abuse or Necessary Technique?, about a trainer recorded hitting a horse with a plastic bat. Seventy-seven percent of respondents thought that kind of treatment was abusive, about fifteen percent weren’t sure, and nearly eight percent said it wasn’t. Dane county officials will cite…

Friday Poll: Most-Awaited Summer Films

Summer is a season of blockbusters films, and Hollywood’s seen things that way at least since Jaws, a generation ago. This summer, some big-screen adventures await: The Avengers (today, 5.4), Men in Black III (5.25), The Amazing Spider-Man (7.3), and The Dark Knight Rises (7.20). Of these big-budget films, which looks good to you (multiple…

Friday Poll: Animal Abuse or Necessary Technique?

Last Sunday, at the Midwest Horse Fair in Madison, a woman was recorded hitting a mare with a wiffle bat to compel the horse to enter a trailer. The video’s now on the web, and it’s prompted this debate: was the trainer’s technique animal abuse, or a reasonable method of persuasion? A news clip on…

Friday poll: Ban non-rescue pets?

In Los Angeles, there’s a proposal to ban non-rescue pet sales. See, L.A. Council Proposes Ban on Non-Rescue Pet Sales from the Palos Verdes Patch. (“The Los Angeles City Council moved Tuesday to ban stores in the city from selling dogs, cats and rabbits that are not from shelters, humane societies or registered rescue organizations.…

What’s your ideal pet?

I saw an online poll asking for one’s ideal pet, and in that poll, cats and dogs were winning overwhelmingly. Would they win decisively here, too? Let’s find out: Ideal Pet?