School District

Checklist for Evaluating a School Budget Referendum

1.  There’s time to evaluate a proposal.  The November election isn’t far, but it’s not tomorrow, either.  There’s time for a careful assessment.  2.  Numbers, Figures, Results, Metrics.  Information should be presented fairly, and in context.  Old Whitewater has the mental tic of wanting to look good, regardless of whether performance is good.  They’re not…

The Visigoths Who Love Music

It was quite some time ago that the Visigoths sacked Rome, acquiring thereafter (if not before) a bad reputation.  It’s safe to say that whatever challenges Whitewater faces do not involve rampaging hordes seeking to overturn our social order.  We’ve had parents protesting over possible budget cuts, to music or other programs. You’ll see below,…

The Bigger the Project, the Greater the Need for Substantive Justifications

It seems – to most people, I’d guess – that to say ‘the bigger the project, the greater the need for substantive justifications’ is simply reasonable and practical.  In almost all public efforts, municipalities, school districts, and other public bodies should Lead Substantively, and Support Fiscally.  The best way to win big is usually a…

The Whitewater Schools’ Recent Budget Cuts

I wrote last week about proposed budget cuts in the Whitewater Unified School District.  (See, The Whitewater Schools’ Budget Cuts.) Since that post, the WUSD School Board met Monday, and following that contentious meeting made modifications to proposed cuts on Wednesday afternoon.  (At each stage of this process, proposed cuts have been in the aggregate…

Note on the Whitewater Schools’ Budget Cuts

I’ve received emails asking if I’ll comment on the Monday, April 28th WUSD board meeting, during which dozens of residents spoke in person about proposed budget cuts (among other topics).  I will write about the meeting and cuts, but I’ll wait to see if the district’s board modifies the current proposal.  There’s a lot to…

The Whitewater Schools’ Budget Cuts

Whitewater, and many other public schools, this spring find themselves cutting local budgets, and reducing employment to do so.  Neither state reductions to collective bargaining nor successful local spending referenda in Whitewater and other communities were able to offset the need for subsequent cuts. A few remarks on policy and politics: 1.  The Center Fails…

Truths that the Whitewater Schools’ Composite Stats Don’t Show

Wisconsin, like too much of America, now pushes at each turn for measurement, quantification, and numerical assessment of student performance. There should be measures – I merely have my doubts that displaying a top-line score describes meaningfully Wisconsin’s or Whitewater’s academic performance. (Truly, the craze for measurement strikes me as half-clever person’s attempt to sound…

Welcome, New Teachers

Welcome to Whitewater, Wisconsin. I’m sure our city will be better for your presence. In these weeks and months ahead, so very many helpful people will offer advice and guidance to you. A few others, unhelpfully, will draw close and whisper ever so softly about how you should think, feel, and act to be a…