School District

Local Politics of a Whitewater Schools Referendum

Like many communities, Whitewater’s schools have a structural deficit. In the past, they’ve plugged that deficit via referendum, or through federal grant money (now in short supply). I’ll not now comment on the merits of a referendum, but rather on the politics of one. The district has not yet set the final amount of a…

Whitewater Schools’ Budget Assumptions and ‘Citizen’ Advisors

Not long ago, Whitewater’s public school district published seventeen budget assumptions for the 2012-13 budget. Along with those assumptions, the district announced the names of a citizens’ panel to consider and offer budget recommendations. The assumptions. If you’re wondering whether seventeen assumptions is a typo, and that I meant to write ‘seven,’ wonder no more:…

The Whitewater Schools’ Sound Path

A dynamic organization both experiences, and experiences positively, changes in personnel and direction. Tonight, Whitewater’s school board will discuss a replacement for our high school principal, who is leaving for Williams Bay. (For more on the departure, see Kevin Hoffman’s story on the change.) These last twenty-six months have, overall, been good ones for our…

Innovation in Whitewater

There’s so much talk about innovation in Whitewater, but an example of it will be found in an old institution, not a new building. It’s not a center, but a school district, that holds innovative promise for our city. Here’s why: A Solid Record. Looking at the last two years, one sees quickly that the…

The Whitewater Schools’ Next Administrator: A Wise and Sound Choice

These last two years have been, overall, very good ones for Whitewater’s public schools: a renewed interest in the curriculum, including the creative option of a charter school, the preservation via agreement of workers’ bargaining rights for another two years, the cancellation of an expensive plan to go to referendum, and significant budget cuts that…

Whitewater’s Different Search Strategies

While Whitewater’s police department has embarked on a traditional search strategy with a consulting firm, Whitewater’s school district is willing first to consider internal candidates in a backyard-search strategy. Will the different methods produce results different in candidate quality? Thats hard to knoww, although a national search should yield a stronger field.

Officials and Notice of Departure

A few quick remarks on officials and giving notice of departure.  An official who’s not very good, just struggling along, will give ample notice (both implicit and explicit) of a departure. Here’s how to tell: the official will have been a second or third choice initially, will try unsuccessfully for years to leave (being rejected…

Keeping up with the Whitewater School District

Over at Walworth County Today and the Janesville Gazette, Kevin Hoffman has solid reporting on the Whitewater School District’s search for a new administrator.  It’s the best press coverage of the district available — Hoffman’s stories provide readers insight into the thinking of school board members. His reporting is must-reading for information on the ongoing…

Whitewater Schools’ Coin Flip

There’s really no surprise that with a bad state economy, practical limits on academic compensation, and uncertain school finances throughout Wisconsin, that an internal search would seem like a good idea.  The Whitewater Schools haven’t done something bold, they’ve done something cautious, in looking for an internal replacement for Dr. Suzanne Zentner.  Zentner was a…

Whitewater Has No Reason to Worry About ‘No Child Left Behind’ Results

There’s a story at the Gazette, that nicely summarizes area schools’ performance on the federal government’s ‘No Child Left Behind’ (NCLB) standards. Although one school in Whitewater appears on the list, there’s no reason for concern: the challenge is so limited that it holds no overall meaning or statistical significance for our schools. Whitewater shows…

Zentner and Afterward

Nearing the end of her two-year contractual tenure, Whitewater Schools’ Administrator Dr. Suzanne Zentner has tendered her resignation, for employment in Arizona. One wishes her the best; she’ll do well. Sadly, Zentner’s departure creates significant risks for Whitewater. Although I thought her early months as administrator went poorly, she’s proved to be a significant asset…