Task List: Local Implications of the Gubernatorial Election

There are dozens of possibilities for what the recall election means for Wisconsin, but I’m curious about three local implications, that I’ll write about after looking at precinct-by-precinct gubernatorial results.

(Quick admission: in January, I thought Gov. Walker would lose a close recall election. That prediction was considerably off – he won comfortably. The advantage about writing after an election is that one has actual results on which to base an assessment for the fall.)

Topics of interest:

(1) What do the 6.5.12 results say, if anything, about how the race in the 43rd Assembly District will finish? (Here, I’m referring to the newly-redistricted 43rd.) The old 43rd has been a seat with small margins (mostly) for the winning party. How’s the new 43rd likely to go this November?

(2) What do the 6.5.12 results say about politics within the entire Whitewater Unified School District? (Those results, and prior ones, suggest that the City of Whitewater is now mostly blue, and over time I’d guess will become culturally bluer.) What about the whole district?

(3) Will the 13th Senate District race between Fitzgerald and Compas have any lasting significance for politics in that area (whether in the new or old 13th District)? On this topic, I think the answer is yes, and I’ll explain why.

All topics to research, and then post about, next week.

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