
NASA’s Better Days, Our Still-Bright Future

More than a generation ago, NASA saw its greatest triumph, on this day in 1969, when Armstrong set foot on the moon. Even now, it’s a moving scene — There’s superficial reason to be concerned about America’s future in space exploration — these are bleak days for NASA’s human space flight program (now more shell…

Ultra-Fast Carnivorous Plant

Aquatic carnivorous bladderworts catch prey with suction traps. High-speed video shows the plant swallows meals in less than a millisecond. Credit: Philippe Marmottant Via Ultra-Fast Carnivorous Plant – Video – Wired.

360-Degree View of the Sun

“Live video of the sun recorded from all angles may give warning of furious solar storms. Credit: NASA/Goddard Space Flight Center/STEREO/SECCHI” Via 360-Degree Sun – Video – Wired.

Snowy Day

The National Weather Service offers statistics to put the present snowstorm into perspective. The current record for a day in February for Madison snowfall is 11.9 inches (on 2.6.2008) and for Milwaukee snowfall it’s 16.7 inches (2.10.1960).  We’ll see a great deal of snow over the next day, but there have been snowy days before.…

Whitewater’s Emerald Ash Borer Plan

The City of Whitewater’s municipal administration has offered a plan to combat a small, invasive insect that threatens ash trees. See, Whitewater’s Emerald Ash Borer Plan. Whitewater, Wisconsin proudly bears a designation as a Tree City USA. Having sought the designation, it’s predictable that residents would be proud and concerned over trees in the community.…

The Emerald Ash Borer Plan: Intro

Part of Whitewater’s Common Council meeting tonight concerns a plan to deal with the Emerald Ash Borer (EAB), an insect that represents a significant threat to ash trees. I mentioned a few weeks ago that I would write, to experts in the field, and see what they thought of the plan that Whitewater has proposed…

Baby Bats Rescued After Being Orphaned By Australian Flood

Visit for breaking news, world news, and news about the economy 130 baby bats orphaned by a flood off the Gold Coast of Australia were saved by the Australian Bat Clinic and Wildlife Trauma Centre in the past weeks…. The babies will be kept hanging on clotheslines or in special intensive care units for…

Injured Turtle Gets Wheels To Walk

According to MSNBC, she was brought into Israel’s Wildlife Hospital in the Ramat Gan Safari, near Tel Aviv, because she had been run over by a lawnmower. She sustained fractures in her shell that became infected…. Because of this, the veterinarians gave her a set of wheels. The turtle liked them so much that the…