First Vendor Presentation of 1.21.14 to Whitewater’s Common Council

Post 8 in a series. First Vendor Presentation of 1.21.14 to Whitewater Common Council from John Adams on Vimeo. In this post, I’ll look at the first vendor presentation on the digester proposal to Whitewater’s Common Council. (Every question in this series has a unique number, assigned chronologically based on when it was asked.  All…

Fifteen Months Later, at the School Board

Post 7 in a series. 3.16.15 Wastewater & Waste Importation Presentation to Whitewater Unified School District from John Adams on Vimeo. Jump ahead almost fifteen months, from 12.3.13 to 3.16.15, and City Manager Clapper and Wastewater Superintendent Reel are at the Whitewater Unified School District. Months later, and millions in spending requests, but still lots…

Question Bin

Post 6 in a series. A list of questions, updated as new ones arise, from When Green Turns Brown. Find this post, and you’ll have found all the questions from the entire series as they’re added . (Every question in this series has a unique number, assigned consecutively based on when it was asked. All…

Looking at the 12.3.13 Digester Presentation

Post 4 in a series. 12.3.13 Whitewater WI Common Council Digester Importation Discussion from John Adams on Vimeo. I promised last week a look at the December 3, 2013 digester presentation, from Whitewater’s Wastewater Superintendent Tim Reel, and City Manager Cameron Clapper. In that presentation (not so long ago, only about a year-and a-half) and…

Working Bibliography

Post 3 in a series. Updated 6.22.15. Last week I promised a working bibliography (one that’s a work in progress, subject to updates) of what the City of Whitewater has published or said about a digester project. That bibliography appears below. I’ll offer a few remarks about it: Each presentation below raises numerous questions about the…

Preliminary Questions about the Digester Proposal

Post 2 in a series. Considering what’s been presented about the digester proposal, what preliminary questions come to mind? Not in any particular order, but simply as topics? I have answers to some of these, I think, but today I’m just listing general questions. 1. For the digester proposal, specifically, who benefits and at what…