Common Council Session of 12.18.12: Backyard Chickens

Here’s my fourth post on last night’s meeting.

Approved unanimously, and waived from a second reading, Whitewater now has a backyard chicken ordinance. Not just an ordinance, but a fine, model one of which we should be proud.

This is a good idea, that’s come to Whitewater through the hard work of a thoughtful resident. His work (and that of those on our Planning Commission and in city government), for month after month of planning and review, benefits everyone.

We will be a lovelier, more interesting, greener, and freer city for it. For an earlier post in support of backyard hens, see A Model Ordinance.

The urban chicken movement has grown considerably these last several years, yet still even a sound ordinance like this would not have been possible even a few years ago. I would not have expected one for years to come.

Yet here we are.

A super-smart friend sent me additional information on urban chickens before my last post on the subject, and from that kind message I learned more than I knew before. Although I am no one’s idea of a chickenologist, either amateur or professional, the sustainability of the movement has always impressed me. (Quickly, before someone writes: I don’t think ‘chickenologist’ is a real term – I just think it should be.)

Backyard hens aren’t the destination for a New Whitewater, but they’re a welcome marker on the journey.

Next: A New Councilmember.

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