Friday in Whitewater will be cloudy with a high of thirty-four. Sunrise is 7:09 AM and sunset 5:06 PM, for 9h 57m 07s of daytime. The moon is a waxing crescent with 35.5% of its visible disk illuminated.
Today is the one thousand one hundred seventy-ninth day.
On this day in 1865, Congress passes, and sends to the states, the Thirteenth Amendment (it was ratified by the required number of states on 12.6.1865).
Recommended for reading in full —
Mike Gousha and John D. Johnson report Thousands of Milwaukee homes are no longer owned by city residents in a massive transfer of wealth since the Great Recession:
The Great Recession more than a decade ago hit Milwaukee hard. When the housing market collapsed, the city suffered through a tidal wave of foreclosures. Residential property values plummeted; they didn’t bottom out until 2016.
Since then, housing values in most parts of the city have begun to rebound, although they generally remain well below their pre-recession peaks.
But Milwaukee’s housing market has changed in other fundamental ways:
There has been a dramatic decline in residential properties occupied by their owners.
The city has seen a transfer of hundreds of millions of dollars in housing wealth.
Simply put: Thousands of residential properties in Milwaukee are no longer owned by city residents. They’re owned, instead, by individuals and companies with mailing addresses in the suburbs, other parts of Wisconsin, or out-of-state altogether.
These trends raise questions about the long-term health of city neighborhoods, particularly those that are home predominantly to people of color.
Dan Vergano reports US Life Expectancy Has Finally Stopped Declining:
Life expectancy in the US increased by about a month to 78.7 years in 2018, federal health officials reported on Thursday. The increase reverses an alarming — and unprecedented — drop for the past three years in the vital measure of national health.
Around 2.8 million people died in the US in 2018. US life expectancy in that year was still below its 2014 peak of 78.9 years, according to the National Center for Health Statistics. Falling heart disease and cancer death rates, the two leading causes of death, as well as a 4% decrease in drug overdose deaths, the first such drop in 28 years, appear to have arrested the decline in life expectancy seen since 2014.
Touchdown – SpaceX rocket lands after latest Starlink launch: