Daily Bread for 12.14.12

Good morning.

Our work week in Whitewater ends with sunny skies, a high of 44, and winds from the southeast at 5 to 10 mph. Very pleasant.

On this day in 2003, the U.S. military captured Saddam Hussein, who had been in hiding since the fall of his regime.

In Wisconsin history from 12.14.64,

1964 – Parker Pen Traded on NY Stock Exchange
On this date, for the first time, shares of Janesville’s Parker Pen Co. were traded on the New York Stock Exchange. For its first 40 years, the company was a closed corporation. In 1928, Parker stock was offered on the Chicago Stock Exchange, which became the Midwest Stock Exchange in 1949. [Source:Janesville Gazette, December 14, 1964, p.1 ]

Parker and many other companies have since left Janesville.

Google-a-Day asks a since question: “What did the great-granddaughter of John “Crazy” Fitch invent as a way of reducing damage done by servants?”

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