Daily Bread for 5.15.15

Good morning, Whitewater.

Friday in town will be cloudy with a high of seventy-five. Sunrise is 5:31 and sunset 8:11, for 14h 39m 51s of daytime. The moon is a waning crescent with 9.5% of its visible disk illuminated.

So perhaps a fish can be warm-blooded, after all. At least, one species seems to be:

The opah is the first fish species found to be fully warm-blooded, circulating heated blood throughout its body much like mammals and birds, research has revealed.

The fish, found in the waters off the US, Australia and several other countries, generates heat by constantly flapping its fins and has developed an internal “heat exchange” system within its gills to conserve the warmth.

This adaptation means warm blood that leaves the opah’s body core helps heat cold blood returning from the surface of the gills where it absorbs oxygen, maintaining an average body temperature of about 4C to 5C.

This system, likened by scientists to a car radiator, is similar to that used by mammals and birds, which are known as endotherms for their ability to maintain body temperature independent of the environment.

On this day in 1911, Janesville prepares to ban fortune tellers:

1911 – Janesville Prohibits Fortune Tellers
On this date the Janesville City Council proposed ordinances banning fortune tellers and prohibiting breweries from operating bars in the city. For more on Wisconsin brewing history, see the Brewing and Prohibition page at Turning Points in Wisconsin History. [Source: Janesville Gazette].

Here’s the final game in Puzzability‘s Prom Going series:

This Week’s Game — May 11-15
Prom Going
We’re having a senior moment this week. For each day, we started with a word or phrase, removed the four letters in PROM, and rearranged the remaining letters to get a new word or phrase. Both pieces are described in each day’s clue, with the longer one first.
Julie Kavner’s cartoon alter ego; quality of the taste of venison
Marge Simpson; gaminess
What to Submit:
Submit both pieces, with the longer one first (as “Marge Simpson; gaminess” in the example), for your answer.
Friday, May 15
Entire body of ambassadors and the like in a nation; computer storage device read with a laser
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