Daily Bread for 7.21.19

Good morning.

Sunday in Whitewater will see scattered morning showers with a daytime high of eighty-one.  Sunrise is 5:35 AM and sunset 8:26 PM, for 14h 50m 36s of daytime.  The moon is a waning gibbous with 81.5% of its visible disk illuminated.
Today is the nine hundred eighty-fifth day.

On this day in 1861, the First Battle of Bull Run is the first major battle of the Civil War and a Confederate victory.

Recommended for reading in full:

Kelly Weill asks Can Trump’s Hard-Core Fans Be Deradicalized?:

Trump’s rallies offer a strong sense of community for fans. That’s critical to the people chanting for Omar’s removal, said David Neiwert, author of Eliminationists: How Hate Talk Radicalized the American Right.

Neiwert defines eliminationism as a community-based mentality that promotes “purity” by demonizing its opponents and demanding they be purged from society.

“What they’re doing is participating in a community of hate. This is actually key to a lot of its power and its attraction. It’s almost ritualized,” he told The Daily Beast. “This is how hate crimes work. Hate crimes are always message crimes directed at targets who are seen as corrupting influences and bad for the community. Hate-crime perpetrators see themselves as defending their communities while doing it. There’s always a communal aspect to this. It’s very much the mob.”


Christian Picciolini, a former white supremacist who now helps extremists leave hate groups, said his method involves talking and identifying sources of grief and trauma that might underlay hate.

“I listen for those potholes that detoured their life’s journey and then try to fill (repair) them,” he told The Daily Beast via email.

Lalich cited the case of Derek Black, the son of a prominent white nationalist, as an example of how deradicalization can sometimes works.

“What seems to have worked is really just engaging in dialogue, individual by individual,” she said. Black renounced white supremacy after going to college and meeting people of differing viewpoints.

But some of Trump’s most die-hard fans might be removed from dissenting opinions, [assistant professor at New York University specializing in radicalization Mary Beth] Altier said.

“Establishing alternative social bonds and networks where they can interact with people with other views” could help, she said, but “we’re not seeing that on social media. We’re seeing more polarization in society on both sides.”

(A few remarks:

These hard-core Trumpists may now be so unacculturated or alienated that they no longer live comfortably within the American democratic tradition. Indeed, some do not know the meaning of the term liberal democracy.  Trump, himself, ignorantly thinks it’s a partisan term rather than a constitutional and philosophical one.

The proper focus against this movement is Trump, His Inner Circle, Principal Surrogates, and Media Defenders, and this focus on officials extends to Trumpism Down to the Local Level.

Addressing every bigoted Trumpist would be a waste of valuable effort.

The establishment of a Third Reconstruction will provide a sound foundation for individual rights, and slowly acculturate Trumpists or their descendants back into a normal American political order. )

Banana and Curry on Pizza?:

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