Daily Bread for 7.5.12

Good morning.

Whitewater’s Thursday will be about 104 degrees, sunny, with a west wind at five to ten miles per hour.

On this day in 1946, French fashion designer Louis Reard introduced the bikini, after the U.S. atomic test conducted off the Bikini Atoll earlier that week.

In Wisconsin history on this day, from the Wisconsin Historical Society, developments in the Black Hawk War –

1832 – Atkinson enters the Trembling Lands
On this date, General Atkinson and his troops entered the area known by the Native Americans as “trembling lands” in their pursuit of Black Hawk. The area was some 10 square miles and contained a large bog. Although the land appeared safe, it would undulate or tremble for yards when pressure was applied. Many of the militiamen were on horses, which plunged to their bellies in the swamp. The “trembling lands” forced Atkinson to retrace his steps back toward the Rock River, in the process losing days in his pursuit of Black Hawk. [Source: Along the Black Hawk Trail by William G. Stark]

Google’s daily puzzle offers something of animals and people: “The name of the bird that lays the largest egg in relation to its body size is also the nickname of people from what country?”

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