Daily Bread for 8.4.14

Good morning, Whitewater.

We have a sixty percent chance of afternoon thunderstorms, with a daytime highs of eighty-one. Sunrise today is 5:49 AM and sunset is 8:12 PM. The moon is in a waxing gibbous phase with fifty-seven percent of its visible disk illuminated.

The Fire & Rescue Task Force is scheduled to meet tonight at 7 PM.

On this day in 1914, England declared war on Germany. The New York Times reported the news the next day:


London, Wednesday, Aug. 5– War is on between England and Germany. An ultimatum to the German Government that the neutrality of Belgium must be respected was rejected by the Kaiser’s Government and the British Foreign Office announced last night that a state of war existed.

The time limit for Germany’s reply was set at midnight, but the Foreign Office announced that as Germany had given his passports to the British envoy at an earlier hour, the state of war existed from 11 o’clock.

King George has issued his proclamation mobilizing the army and has sent a message to the colonies thanking them for their hearty support in the hour of national emergency.

The Government has assumed control of all the railways and the Admirality has taken over all the foreign warships now building in English ports. The House of Commons has voted a fund of $525,000,000 for the emergency.

Google-a-Day begins the week with a football question:

What player’s status for the 2012 Super Bowl was questionable in January after he missed practice for the second day in a row due to an ankle injury?

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